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Stop Inflammation Now!: A Step-by-Step Plan to Prevent, Treat, and Reverse Inflammation - the Leading Cause of Heart Disease and Related Conditions

Stop Inflammation Now! - Richard Fleming This book has a wealth of information on how to correct heart disease, diabetes, and all the diseases of the developed nations. Its plan is simple and easy to follow. A number of recipes are included, but you don't really need many recipes to be able to cook the simple, hearty, and healthful foods on this plan.

Phase I is entirely plant-based consisting of whole foods. You're given way more food than I could eat. 12 to 15 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. At this stage, the whole grains are left off in order to facilitate rapid weight loss and the fastest return to ideal lab values on the 12 factors that contribute to heart disease and ill-health. Once the values are corrected, phase II lets you branch out and allows some lean meats as well as more nuts and whole grains. I think I'll skip the meat when the time comes.

I've just changed to a whole foods plant based diet, and am planning to transition to the phase I diet described in this book to get my cholesterol and triglycerides in a better range. Once I'm where I should be on all my values, I'll add back more nuts and grains to keep from losing too much weight. It's amazing how much better I feel already. I'm very thankful that I've found this healthy way to eat. I wish I'd found it years ago.